Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Role of Consumer Protection Agency and the Judiciary on Consumer Protection Essay Example for Free

The Role of Consumer Protection Agency and the Judiciary on Consumer Protection Essay A consumer can be defined as someone who acquires goods or services for direct use or ownership rather than for resale or use in production and manufacturing. Consumer protection  consists of laws and organizations designed to ensure the rights of consumers as well as fair trade competition and the free flow of truthful information in the marketplace. The laws are designed to prevent businesses that engage in fraud or specified unfair practices from gaining an advantage over competitors and may provide additional protection for the weak and those unable to take care of themselves. Consumer protection laws are a form of government  regulation  which aims to protect the rights of  consumers. For example, a government may require businesses to disclose detailed information about products—particularly in areas where safety or public health is an issue, such as food. Consumer protection is linked to the idea of consumer rights (that consumers have various rights as consumers), and to the formation of  consumer organizations, which help consumers make better choices in the marketplace and get help with consumer complaints. Other organizations that promote consumer protection include government organizations and self-regulating business organizations such as consumer protection agencies and organizations, the Federal Trade Commission etc. Consumer interests can also be protected by promoting competition in the markets which directly and indirectly serve consumers, consistent with economic efficiency. In Nigeria, the major Consumer Protection Agency saddled with this responsibility is the Consumer Protection Council (CPC). Consumer Protection Council (CPC)  is a Parastatal of the Federal Government of Nigeria, supervised by the Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment. Though established by Act No. 6 of1992, it commenced operations only in 1999, when its institutional framework was put in place. The mandate of CPC is to, among others, eliminate hazardous products from the market, provide speedy redress to consumers complaints, undertake campaigns which would lead to increased consumer awareness, ensure that consumers’ interest receive due consideration at the appropriate forum, and encourage trade, industry and professional associations to develop and enforce in their various fields uality standards designed to safeguard the interest of consumers. While using all legitimate means to eliminate the scourge of consumer rights abuse in the Nigerian market place, it is common knowledge that an uninformed consumer population cannot be effectively protected if they do not know that they have rights, what the rights are, and how the rights could be protected. On the other hand, businesses and organizations also need to be well acquainted with their obligations to consumers. Based on this, the CPC serves to effectively police the market, sensitizing consumers to their rights and responsibilities and at the same time ensuring that businesses are committed to fulfilling their obligations to consumers. This is all in a bid to ensure that the country would become a better consumer-friendly nation. Consumers are entitled to a variety or rights, and the Consumer Protection Council and other consumer protection agencies serve to create awareness of these rights. All of which must be insisted upon, and most of which are stated below: 1. The Right to Satisfaction of Basic Needs: Access to basic goods and services necessary for survival, such as food, water, energy, clothing, shelter, health-care, education and sanitation. Goods and services must meet the standard of quality promised such that there is value for money in the purchase. 2. The Right to Safety: Protection from hazardous products, production processes and services. The Right to Information: Provision of information enabling informed consumer choice as well as protection from misleading or inaccurate advertising and labeling. 4. The Right to Choose: Access to variety of quality products and services at competitive prices. 5. The Right to Redress: Compensation for misrepresentation, shoddy goods and unsatisfactory public and private services, including the right to adequate legal representation. 6. The Right to Consumer Education: Acquisition of the skills required to be an informed consumer throughout life. 7. The Right to Consumer Representation: Advocacy of consumers interest and the ability to take part in the formulation of economic and other policies affecting consumers i. e. the right to be heard. 8. The Right to a Healthy Environment: Habitation is a place that is safe for present and future generations and which will enhance the quality of their lives. On its own part, the Judiciary is defined as the system of courts of justice in the country, and serves to ensure that all laws regarding consumer protection are enforced and strictly adhered to, and stiff penalties are meted out to defaulters. The laws, terms and conditions regarding consumer protection are reflected in The Consumer Protection Council Act (1992 No 66), where control of key aspects of consumer protection such as sales promotions, advertisements, products and services monitoring and regulation are explicitly stated. For instance, in the case of sales promotions, The Consumer Protection Council Act grants authority to the CPC to verify the genuineness of all sales promotions, ensuring that they are within legal, decent, honest and faithful limits, and ensure their direct supervision. The judiciary metes out penalties to erring parties which could be in the form of suspension for a definite period of time, fines and/or direct prohibition of activity. These, to a large extent are aimed at regulating and controlling the excesses of manufacturers, advertisers and consumers and ensure that all practices concerned are within legal and permissible limits, and is especially necessary in countries such as Nigeria because the global crisis has made ready markets in developed countries to look for emerging markets with a huge population base to dump their products, and Nigeria fits the description of such emerging market. The judiciary, through the enforcement of The Consumer Protection Council Act (1992 No 66), which guides consumer protection, ensures that Nigeria does not become a ready market for unscrupulous foreign countries and companies to dump products and services.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

dogs are cool Essay -- essays research papers

dogs are cool. they smell good. they fart, and they eat alot of food. dogs are also very hairy. sometimes their hair is brown, sometimes it is white, and still other times is is black... have you ever seen a dog with no jkcool i sae a ah shf fkfnfa jdf d i sae dj that t you a re so coll fjfja red whit e jbakc are yu happyy eococ rocco is cool collin so conff djfn kljfdkl jgioawueajkljfnkajpoijwlkfv jdfjdsiajfk j fjfj j dfjlkfj ALCOHOLISM   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many social issues facing the United States today that affect the world in different ways. One of the most popular as well as severe issues confronting our nation today is alcoholism. The question seems to be: is alcoholism simply and individualistic problem, or is it a disease capable of wiping out friendships, families, and possibly much of the United States? In order to fully understand the severity of alcoholism and its effects, one must study the problem from an interdisciplinary level. Specifically, a historical, and psycho-sociological perspectives will help to understand alcoholism the best.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First one must understand what exactly alcoholism is, and whom it effects. By definition, alcoholism is a primary, chronic disease, with genetic, psychological, and environmental factors, characterized by continuous impaired control over drinking. The disease can and does effect all people of all ages, sexes, races, and economic status. This is clearly a horrific issue, and ...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Humor in Huck Finn Essay

Mark Twain depicts various types of humor in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Satire is the first type of humor evident in the novel. Religion is the most common example of Twain’s satire, which he communicates through the character Huck Finn. Throughout the novel Twain satirizes prayer through Huck. In Chapter One, the Widow Douglas attempted to convey the importance of religion to Huck. She took out her bible and read stories of Moses to Huck. Huck was intrigued by the story of Moses and broke into a deep sweat as he waited to find out more about the biblical figure. However, once Huck learns that Moses is dead, he immediately loses interest in the stories. This example demonstrates Twain’s opposition to the blind faith found in church teachings. Parody is a second type of humor revealed in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Parodies are most obvious in the exploits of the character Tom Sawyer. When Tom Sawyer’s gang of robbers was created Tom describes where he was able to think of such a â€Å"beautiful† oath. The book states, â€Å"Everybody said it was a real beautiful oath, and asked Tom if he got it out of his own head. He said some of it, but the rest was out of pirate books and robber books, and every gang that was high toned had it† (Twain 10). This is an example of parody because Tom Sawyer bases his life and actions on adventure novels and in this case created an oath out of them. A third type of humor that Twain employs is burlesque, specifically through caricature. This can be seen through the description of Huck’s father. In the following passage caricature is predominantly noted. He was most fifty, and he looked it. His hair was long and tangled and greasy, and hung down, and you could see his eyes shining through like he was behind vines. It was all black, no gray; so was his long mixed up whiskers. There weren’t no color in his face, where his face showed; it was white; no like another man’s white, but a white to make a body sick, a white to make a body’s flesh crawl – a tree toad white, a fish belly white. (Twain 24) Pap’s character generates an excellent example of burlesque through caricature. Huck describes his father as one would visualize him. From the description provided to the readers, Pap Finn is seen as an older man, very unkempt, pale as a ghost, and very hairy with a frightening appearance. Farce is yet another form of humor found in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This type of humor is evident when Huck is kidnapped by his father in Chapter Six. Pap keeps Huck locked in their cabin, never letting Huck go anywhere unless Pap accompanies him. Pap hid the key under his pillow so that Huck would not escape. In a later scene, Pap chases Huck around the house with a gun. Although in modern society these scenes would be considered dark and dangerous, in Twain’s day it was thought to be a farce due to Pap’s physical use of humor.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Analysis Of Justin Bieber s Release Of Purpose The...

Literature Review This paper will examine relevant literature that can be applied to the wide-ranging Twitter responses to Justin Bieber’s release of Purpose: The Movement. The literature review will provide an overview of parasocial interaction theory, celebrity worship, and the involvement of social media in these areas. Following the review of relevant literature will be a list of research questions to guide future study in this field. Parasocial Interaction Parasocial interaction (PSI) is a term used to describe the one-sided relationships that come about between media users and media personalities. Parasocial Interaction Theory has been used for many years as a method to understand the ways in which individuals become attached to media personae. This kind of interaction was first studied in 1956 by Horton and Wohl. This theory may also serve to offer some explanations to why some media consumers behave the way they do online. Horton and Wohl (1956) concluded from their study that audiences develop a sort of attachment as they continually observe media personalities. In other words, the more exposure to the media figure, the stronger the parasocial relationship. This concept was consistent with findings from a separate study conducted by Perse and Rubin (1989). In their research, Perse and Rubin found that the perceived intimacy in these relationships was greater with increased interaction. Perse and Rubin also established that parasoc ial relationships can beShow MoreRelatedLuxury Marketing- Louis Vuitton Marketing Strategy13318 Words   |  54 PagesTimeless by LOUIS VUITTON TAYLOR FERRIS/CHRISTINE PURVIS/RYNE HEENE/AUSTIN TOOGOOD/AIJ BAKITBEK/ANTONINA SZOSTEK NOVEMBER 2012 Table of Contents Market Analysis 4 Turnover 4 Brands in presence 5 Top 20 Selling Perfumes 5 Evolution 6 History of Perfume Industry 6 The International Market 6 Strategies 7 Short Term Strategy 7 Long Term Strategy 8 Product Concept 9 The Concept 9 The Bottle 10 Materials and Colors 11 Colors 11 Materials 12 Measurements 13 Logo 13 Targeting and PositioningRead MoreLuxury Marketing- Louis Vuitton Marketing Strategy13307 Words   |  54 PagesTimeless by LOUIS VUITTON TAYLOR FERRIS/CHRISTINE PURVIS/RYNE HEENE/AUSTIN TOOGOOD/AIJ BAKITBEK/ANTONINA SZOSTEK NOVEMBER 2012 Table of Contents Market Analysis 4 Turnover 4 Brands in presence 5 Top 20 Selling Perfumes 5 Evolution 6 History of Perfume Industry 6 The International Market 6 Strategies 7 Short Term Strategy 7 Long Term Strategy 8 Product Concept 9 The Concept 9 The Bottle 10 Materials and Colors 11 Colors 11 Materials 12 Measurements 13 LogoRead MoreGrade 8 (K-12) Science Teachers Guide13696 Words   |  55 PagesUndersecretary: Yolanda S. Quijano, Ph.D. Development Team of the Teacher’s Guide Authors: Pia C. Campo, May R. Chavez, Maria Helen D.H. Catalan, Ph.D., Leticia V. Catris, Ph.D., Marlene B. Ferido, Ph.D., Ian Kendrich C. Fontanilla, Ph.D., Jacqueline Rose M. Gutierrez, Shirley R. Jusayan, Michael Anthony B. Mantala, Cerilina M. Maramag, Marie Paz E. Morales, Ph.D., Eligio C. Obille, Jr., Digna Paningbatan, Genevieve Faye Pasamonte, Ma. Dulcelina O. Sebastian, Rolando M. Tan, and Rodolfo S. Treyes, Ph.D. Reviewers:Read MoreMarketing and E-commerce Business65852 Words   |  264 Pagesdocuments and related graphics published as part of the services for any purpose. All such documents and related graphics are provided â€Å"as is† without warranty of any kind. Microsoft and/or its respective suppliers hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with regard to this information, including all warranties and conditions of merchantability, whether express, implied or statutory, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event shall Microsoft and/or its respective